4th QUARTER 2019
Welcome to our first Blog/Newsletter. Up until now we have been sending Newsletters via our MailChimp email but we are trying something new – blog posts right on our website giving more people a chance to catch up on news.
We are now heading into summer & have had a few really hot days already. One of the amazing things about Winter though – is the amazing sunrises and sunsets.
Here on the right is a glimpse of a sunrise at the village…
EDUCATION is a very important part of raising children to wholeness. We are extremely proud of Zack (here on the right) who is finishing his final year of Civil Engineering at DUT. Zack is leading the way for many more of our children to follow in.
After matriculating at Hillcrest High in 2015, Zack achieved good results in all subjects and excelled on the rugby and soccer field. His leadership skills were recognised in his last year of school as he was made a prefect which is a role only 30 students out of over 200 get chosen to fulful.
Zack completes his final 4hth year and has already signed up to continue his Post Grad, part-time while working.
We are so proud of Zack and all that he has achieved.
Lungile also completes her 2nd year at UKZN University, studying an Arts Degree in Law and Politics. She is doing extremely well and is currently writing exams.
iLaunch is a program started by both Lily of the Valley & iKhethelo. Funds here are raised specifically for Tertiary education. Without this funding we would simply not be able to give our children the best opportunites that we are able to give them. If you would like to know more about iLaunch, please contact us…
We have 4 matrics finishing school in a few weeks time, one of them being our own son Jono. Jono, Sne, Noxie and Sma have started writing their final exams so please pray for them. Above is a picture taken after the recent Hillcrest High final assembly.
We have 14 children attending Forest View Primary School, where our children are given a much better opportunity to excel in education, cultural activities and sport.
Above: Here is one of our little one receiving an academic award in assembly.
Not only have our children excelled in the classroom but also on the sports field. Here, Nkanyiso crosses the finish line yet again to win Victor Ludorum for 2019. Plus our boys have competed in 1st team rugby & Soccer this year, while the girls have played Netball.
Left: Siphiwe recently returned from a gap year in Germany made possible by 1000 Hills DE in Germany. 1000 Hills sponsor many of our children at Forest View & we are so grateful for their faithful support.
Siphiwe has done extremely well to get pass his art portfolio, an exam and interview to be chosen to study Graphic Design next year at DUT. Siphiwe’s artistic talent is incredible so watch this space for more amazing things from him.
Find out more about our 48Smiles Christmas opportunity for you to make a difference in a child! Go to the Donate page and donate!
A Snap Shot!
< Our new Library area and Study Zone was recently launched using two classrooms in the hall. With thanks to our keen volunteers from Germany who helped move and set everything up. Thanks Selina.
< Exam learning is well under way, and most of the focus this term is on working hard to get good marks for exams.
Left: Here on the left you can see Hillcrest High children studying.
> Our German volunteers have also been hard at work building an outside gym area for the teenagers. Fridays boxing lessons have become popular and teens are motivated to train & get fit. Thanks Ben.
> Plus we also have a Egg Laying Chicken project on the go, where each cottage will be getting a chicken to look after and hopefully in time will be able to get lots of eggs to eat. Thanks Johannes.
< We gather together every Wednesday night for a time of worship, prayer and Bible Stories. This term we have been learning about the life of Moses, followed by stories from Elijah. The tens have also had great God connecting times lead by the Mthembus.
< Cottage 9 and 10, our younger girls cottages had a recent repaint on the outside & inside. The cottages look so amazing, we are going a little brighter. With special thanks to Chris at Smith & Wynfield in Durban for sponsoring this project .
> New showers and bathroom make-overs coming to Cottage 9 and 10. With thanks to Jacki Wright in the UK the showers are undergoing a much needed upgrade. Contact us to find out more about other projects.
> Revolution Fitness continue to offer our teens a free boxing lesson every Friday afternoon. Even the volunteers have got involved. Right: Here is Ben challenging Wonder to a Tyre flipping race…
< City Hills – Nation Changers had a few fun days for the children, with lost of food and fun. Plus they hosted another Careers Day, where our teens took part in learning about all different careers that they may be interested in one day.
< We recently had a kids mission team from Every Nation Church in Rosebank where the kids took part in worship and fun activities. The children were also taken on a few outreaches into the surrounding community & blessed other orphanages, plus prayed for patients at a nearby hospital.
> New showers and bathroom make-overs coming to Cottage 9 and 10. With thanks to Jacki Wright in the UK the showers are undergoing a much needed upgrade. Contact us to find out more about other projects.
> Revolution Fitness continue to offer our teens a free boxing lesson every Friday afternoon. Even the volunteers have got involved. Right: Here is Ben challenging Wonder to a Tyre flipping race…
On the 24th September we celebrated HERITAGE DAY at the village. This is one of our highlights of the year with great Zulu food, dancing and good family time. We all had so much fun, and even our volunteers from Germany came dressed in Zulu gear.
Nothile & Aunty Nonhlanhla dressing up.
Girls practicing for their dance.
Volunteers having fun.
Some very exciting news! In January 2020, we welcome Joe and Nothile Mthembu onto our staff team. Joe and Nothile have been living onsite at iKhethelo for the last year and volunteering at the village. They will be joining Tami & I on the management team, so we are very excited about that.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter. We are so grateful to all of you who have partnered with us in so many ways over this year. As we look back over 2019, we can see how God has blessed us and brought so many amazing people across our paths who have had a huge impact on the children here at iKhethelo – Together we are BUILDING BRIGHTER FUTURES!
Thank you!
Love Tami & Graeme xx